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Most a múzsa a magyar, vagy a diéta?

Mert abból, hogy "on Hungarian diet" az utóbbi tükröződik vissza.

Ez eredeti magyar cím pedig az előbbire utal ("... Magyar múzsa") vagyis a magyar a múzsa jelzője és nem a diétáé.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

A lefordíthatatlan, ráadásul helyi kulturális utalást tartalmazó szóvicceket nem lefordítani kell, hanem kitalálni helyettük valami mást a célnyelven. Szerintem ez itt egész jól sikerült.

A kelet-európai szeretetnyelves részt meg mintha rólad mintázta volna Ésik😜

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Angolul a tükörfordítás nem működik, de a magyar koszton lévő Múzsa érdekes és szerintem kifejező fordítás.

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“ That’s Eastern Europe Lesson 1 for you: unsolicited advice is the love language of this part of this world. If they give you advice, they love you. They also think you are an idiot who could not breathe without their advice but still. They love you.” ez arany! Spekulálok: talán nem azért van ez, mert az itteni történelmi szokások szerint inkompetens emberek kerülnek pozícióba, plusz ahogy a tőkefelhalmozásnak, a tudástőke felhalmozásának sincs tapasztalata, ezéet ha valaki belekezd bármibe a statisztikailag helyes feltevés, hogy inkompetens/tudatlan?

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If I were the author, I would explain to the dear US reader the reason for the Eastern European Frustration: here people live in towns and villages that in the last 100 years have changed country and official languages two or three times. The same people remembers, that various classes of the society have lost their wealth and/or lives at least 10 times in the last 100 years. Similarly, two or three organisation types of the state and the economy have been tried. Every family has stories about how to survive, how to disguise and how to look to obey.

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All in good time :)

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I just wanted to give an advice :)

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

The author is not exact about the history of its reach. He is do reaching people since at least 20 years. I met his texts when I was at least 15 years younger. The author community around him is undergoing a slow and constant variation and maturation, as seen on the text quality and the reader's interaction.

Some years ago he even appeared on the radar of the troll farms. One has to be serious to merit to be afraid of.

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OK, try to comment once more - the previous one is somewhere in the universe ...

Hi Sanyi (just because I know You don't like to be called Sándor)

> No one ever heard about my blog.

That is wrong. I found Your early blog, and I enjoyed there the posts of Prof. Pizka, and the others too.

But I miss here a user guide: "How to read the Muse on a Diet", which was publisher at the beginning of Your Facesh... or how to call that site of the german sugar hill. Hopefully this page can also be read from left to right ;-)

Allow me please a little supplement, another information about the hungarians for everyone else, who still doesn't know us:

When there are two hungarians together, they form at least three different politican meaning and there's no chance for an agreement ever.

Hopefully, any kind of ban is on Your own hand and not someone else's decision.

I wish You health, persistence and a durable keyboard! Tell me if You run out of the diaries of Ms Tünde Kiszel :-)

bye: jean

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Here is my first unsought advice, because I do love you(r work): get somewhere you can reach your audience, because this ain't that kind of place. Of course, as an authentic hungarian advice: mine doesn't have any real suggestion either.

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